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Leetcode Missing number

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    Manish Tripathy

[Leetcode] Missing Number

Let's explore multiple solutions to the Leetcode problem of finding the missing number in an array. We'll discuss the approach, code, as well as the time and space complexity for each solution.

Problem Statement

Given an array nums containing n distinct numbers in the range [0, n], return the only number in the range that is missing from the array.


Input: nums = [3,0,1]
Output: 2
Explanation: n=3 since there are 3 numbers, so all numbers are in the range [0,3]. 2 is the missing number in the range since it does not appear in nums.

View Problem on LeetCode

Solution 1: Array Index Mapping

Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(n)

Approach: This approach, often referred to as "Array Index Mapping", finds the missing number in an array by leveraging the indices of a temporary array.

Here's a brief explanation:

  1. A temporary array of size N+1 is created and pre-filled with -1, indicating all numbers from the original input array are missing.

  2. The function then iterates over the input array. For each number n in the input array, it sets the value at index n in the temporary array to 1, indicating that n is present in the input array.

  3. Finally, the function finds the first index in the temporary array that still has a value of -1. This index is the missing number, as it was not found in the input array.

Illustration: Illustration


function missingNumber(nums: number[]): number {
  const tempAr = new Array(nums.length + 1).fill(-1);

  nums.forEach(n => tempAr[n] = 1)

  const missingNumber = tempAr.findIndex(n => n === -1);
  return missingNumber;

Time complexity: O(n log n)
Space complexity: O(1) if an in-place sorting algorithm (like QuickSort or HeapSort) is used, O(n) if a not in-place sorting algorithm (like Merge Sort or Counting Sort) is used.

Approach: This is a distinctive use of binary search, where the exact value (search key) isn't known upfront. However, the key aspect to consider is that binary search progressively halves the search space while looking for the key, eventually narrowing down to a single element, which is the search key.

Illustration: Illustration


function missingNumber(nums: number[]): number {
  nums.sort((a,b) => a - b);

  let lo = 0;
  let hi = nums.length - 1;

  while(lo < hi) {
    const mid = lo + Math.floor((hi - lo) / 2);

    if(nums[mid] === mid) {
      lo = lo + 1;
    } else {
      hi = mid;

  // In case the lo has reached the last value in the array without finding a mismatch, then return lo + 1
  return nums[lo] !== lo ? lo : lo + 1;

Solution 3: Hashset

Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(n)

Approach: Insert all the elements of the array into a HashSet and then search for elements from 1 to N in the set. Since this is a hashset the search would be O(1).


function missingNumber(nums: number[]): number {
  const numsSet = new Set(nums);
  const N = nums.length + 1;
  const missingNumber = Array.from({length: N}, (_, i) => i).find(n => !numsSet.has(n));

  return missingNumber ?? -1; // The nullish coalescing operator (??) only checks for null or undefined. If value is 0, it will not be replaced with -1
  // Same applies for 0, false, NaN, or '' (empty string).

Solution 4: Bit Manipulation

Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(1)


Using XOR property, a ^ a = 0. Also, a ^ b = c means a ^ c = b and b ^ c = a. This is the inverse property of XOR.

Result = (array_length) ^ (index ^ array[index])

So, assuming input array is [2, 0]. Result = 2 ^ (0 ^ 2) ^ (1 ^ 0) = (2 ^ 2) ^ (0 ^ 0) ^ (1) = 1


function missingNumber(nums: number[]): number {
  const missingNumber = nums.reduce(
    (accumulator, currentValue, index) => accumulator ^ currentValue ^ index,

  return missingNumber;

Solution 5: Gauss summation formula

Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(1)

Gauss' Summation Formula is a simple method to calculate the sum of consecutive numbers. According to this formula, the sum of all numbers from 1 to n is (n * (n + 1)) / 2.

In the context of finding a missing number in an array, we can use Gauss' Summation Formula to find the expected sum of the first n natural numbers, then subtract the actual sum of the numbers in the array. The result will be the missing number.

For example, if we have an array [0, 1, 3], the expected sum for numbers from 0 to 3 is (3 * (3 + 1)) / 2 = 6. The actual sum of the numbers in the array is 0 + 1 + 3 = 4. So, the missing number is 6 - 4 = 2.


function missingNumber(nums: number[]): number {
  const n = nums.length;
  const totalSum = (n * (n + 1)) / 2;
  const actualSum = nums.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
  return totalSum - actualSum;